General order and delivery terms and conditions
Infine Ltd's general order and delivery terms and conditions
1. Scope of application
Infine's general order and delivery terms are respected as part of the written agreement between the Client and Supplier (Infine Oy), in which the Parties have agreed on the performed work and service provided. The agreement cannot be transferred to a third Party nor changed without the written consent of the other Party. The “Client” refers to companies, public administration organizations, associations, foundations and entrepreneurs.
2. The purpose of the service
Toimittaja toimittaa vastuullisuusarviointeja ja palveluita sekä tarjoaa koulutuksia vastuullisuuden kehittämisen tueksi.
These general order and delivery terms and conditions are applied to the quotes provided, orders received and/or contracts concluded by the Supplier, which apply to Infine’s sales and/or delivery to the Client in Finland.
The sustainability evaluation carried out by Infine's sustainability experts examines the entire life cycle of the product or service. In accordance with the needs and wishes of the Client, information from various sources can be utilized in carrying out the evaluation, e.g. from the GS1 Synkka product information database, public sources and additional information provided by the Clients themselves.
Infinen asiantuntijat järjestävät koulutuksen tilauksessa määritellyn tai Tilaajan kanssa sovitun aiheen mukaisesti.
Infine does not evaluate companies or brands. The evaluation is done on a product- and service-specific basis.
3. Service delivery and use
The Supplier is obliged to deliver the service at the agreed time or, in case no time has been separately agreed, within a reasonable time frame after receiving the order.
The Supplier has the right to extend the performance time when the delay in performance is due to factors beyond the Supplier's control or reasons for which the Client is responsible.
The Supplier is responsible for ensuring that the tasks for which it is responsible are carried out in accordance with the contract, carefully and with the professionalism required by the tasks. The Supplier has the right to provide the service according to the contract in the way they see fit.
4. Contract validity and payment terms
Asiakassuhde alkaa tilauksen vastaanotosta. Vastuullisuusarviointi ja koulutus veloitetaan aina tilauksen yhteydessä.
Laskut tulee maksaa niissä mainittuina eräpäivinä. Laskun eräpäivä on neljäntoista (14) päivän kuluttua laskun päiväyksestä. Mikäli lasku myöhästyy, on Toimittajalla oikeus periä eräpäivän jälkeiseltä ajalta viivästyskorkoa korkolain mukaan. Mahdolliset perintäkulut lisätään laskuun. Laskun huomautusaika on merkitty laskuun. Mikäli erääntynyttä maksua ei ole suoritettu, Toimittajalla on oikeus siirtää lasku perintään.
Both Parties have the right to terminate the contract in writing if:
i) the other Party doesn't comply with its obligations under this Agreement and the breach of contract has a great effect on the aggrieved Party and the Party does not correct its neglect within fourteen (14) days after receiving a written request to this effect; or ii) The party is put into bankruptcy, debt restructuring, liquidation or is declared financially insolvent.
5. Confidentiality
Sustainability evaluation reports are always confidential, neither their results nor their contents are ever publicly shared without the Client’s consent.
The Parties agree to confidentiality regarding the exchanged materials and information marked as Confidential. This condition applies also after the contract has ended.
Confidentiality obligation does not apply to Confidential Information, (i) which is generally available or otherwise public or (ii) which the Party has received from a third party without an obligation of confidentiality or (iii) which was in the possession of the receiving Party without an obligation of confidentiality regarding it before receiving information on its confidentiality from the other Party, or ( iv) which the Party has independently developed without using the Confidential Information received from the other Party.
6. Indemnification and liability limitations
Neither Party is liable for indirect damage caused to the other Party, except when the damage is caused intentionally or is the result of gross negligence. The limitation of liability does not apply to section 3 (Service delivery and use) and section 5 (Confidentiality).
The Supplier does not compensate for any direct or indirect damages, nor the Client's loss of business time or income. The Client is obliged to compensate the Supplier for the immediate damages caused by the breach of the contract.
7. Disagreements
Finnish law applies to the contract and the settlement of disputes arising from it. The Parties work in good cooperation to resolve disputes, disagreements and demands related to the agreement between them. The Parties provide each other with a reasonable opportunity to correct the breach related to the contract.
Disputes arising from the contract will be settled definitively in the Finnish-language arbitration procedure of one (1) arbitrator, following the rules of the arbitration board of the Helsinki Central Chamber of Commerce.
8. Force majeure
The Party is released from its obligations under the agreement if their fulfillment is prevented due to circumstances beyond the Party's control, which occur after the conclusion of the agreement (e.g. fire, war, general obstruction of traffic or tele- communications, epidemic, pandemic, strike, blockade and comparable situations).
9. Validity of terms of delivery
The terms of delivery come into effect when the Client has ordered the service. These terms of delivery replace all the previous general service contract and delivery terms of the Supplier.
Infine Ltd. has the right to unilaterally make changes to these conditions, unless otherwise agreed in the customer-specific contract.
10. Other terms and conditions
The contract can only be changed in writing and demands both Parties’ approval of said change.
Should any part of the contract or conditions prove to be contrary to the law or invalid, these order and delivery terms and conditions will nevertheless remain in force and binding to the Parties.
Infine Oy is not responsible for delays in providing the service caused by the Client or a third party.